Jan 27, 2011

hard to swallow

have you been in a situation where you are not the one who cause the problem, but being blamed because you are the one who explaining the situation on behalf of the guilty person? to make it worse, you and the misunderstood person already in an awkward situation due to some arguments. WELL, THAT'S MY SITUATION RIGHT NOW. i hate it because if i tell them who is responsible for it, it'll looks like i'm blaming someone else to save my face but if if didn't tell them who, they thought that it was me who is guilty! and the real guilty person is not even being blamed, it's not fair isn't it? i wish someone will explain everything for me...even though it's just a small problem, it can cause riot you know, especially when it's involving someone close to you, oh my....

1 voice(s):

Jαnnαhツ do not dwell on the past (hazan) and never worry about the future (hamm) - just concentrate on the present moment and be happy! said...


saya rase lebey baik kamu clarify everything. explain sapa sebenarnya yg betul2 bersalah dan sapa yg tak. don't take the blame that is not yours. if u take the blame, you're the one who'll be in pain. it's not wrong telling the truth, and the truth shall set you free...

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